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Invest In Self Love

By Therese Hensler, MSW, LCSW, CDWF

Learning to love others begins with loving ourselves through self-compassion.  This certainly is easy to say, but hard to do. We live in a society where isolation, criticism, and comparison can be typical norms.  Even if we don’t put others down, we may still bare the brunt of our own attack.  In the midst of all of our faults (our opportunities for strength) we are worthy of love.  You haven’t loved someone until you truly know what it is like to love yourself unconditionally.  Invest in loving yourself and you will have the greatest return in your relationships.

5 ways to Love Yourself

  1. Be a friend to yourself.

  2. Give yourself a break to make a mistake.

  3. Embrace who you are unconditionally.

  4. Share your talents with others.

  5. Laugh with yourself.

Resource: To see how self-compassionate you are, visit to take Kristen Neff’s Self-Compassion Scale.

Therese Hensler is the owner of Peaceful Mind Counseling Services, Adolescents, Individuals, and Family Therapist, visit